murmur ZEBRA(以下、「当サイト」といいます。) は当サイトに関係するすべての人々が地球市民として、お互いの人権を尊重・尊敬しそれが侵害されてはならないことを理解し、また人権が侵害、又はそれに近しいと思われる状況が生じた場合は是正に向けて適切に対処することを当ポリシーにより宣言します。当サイトはいかなる人権侵害(児童労働や強制労働、差別や暴力、抑圧やハラスメント、強制労働など)も容認しないという方針のもと、それぞれの国・地域において、その国の国内法、その他の規制を遵守し、それらを越える確立した国際的な人権原則を尊重するための方法を追求していきます。
murmur ZEBRA (hereinafter referred to as “this site”) understands that all people related to this site respect and respect each other’s human rights as global citizens and that they must not be violated, and human rights. This policy declares that in the event of an infringement or a situation that seems to be close to it, we will take appropriate measures to correct it.
Under the policy that this site does not tolerate any human rights infringement (child labor or forced labor, discrimination or violence, oppression or harassment, forced labor, etc.), each country / region has its own domestic laws and other regulations. We will pursue ways to comply with and respect established international human rights principles that go beyond them.
This site respects and supports the following international human rights conventions and declarations.
-International Declaration of Human Rights (“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”)
-United Nations Guiding Principles of the United Nations (UN) on Business and Human Rights
-International Labor Organization (ILO) “Declaration on Basic Principles and Rights of Labor”
-“Convention on Human Rights of Workers such as Wages and Working Hours”
-“Children’s Rights and Business Principles”
-“Principle for Eliminating Discrimination against Women”
Respecting the human rights of people who come into contact with us in all aspects of the operation of this site, their race, ethnicity, nationality, place of origin, gender, age, disability, religion, beliefs, ideas, background, gender identity, sexual orientation We will endeavor to prevent discrimination in terms of employment, etc., and will not post related content.
We will endeavor to prevent child labor in order to protect the healthy educational opportunities and development of children and their rights, and we will not post related content.
We will eliminate forced labor and will not post related content so that workers can engage in lively and human-like work based on their free will.
We will endeavor to prevent slave labor and human trafficking in accordance with the provisions of Article 54, Paragraph 1 of the British Modern Slavery Act and Article 16 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act.
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